Tell the Senate they can’t recess without passing more relief for families

Tell the Senate they can’t recess without passing more relief for families2020-09-16T16:14:27-05:00

The President signed the last COVID-19 relief bill into law on March 27 – nearly six months ago. While it provided some much-needed help at the time, the country’s most vulnerable children and families are continuing to suffer and need more assistance. In May, the House of Representatives passed another comprehensive relief package, the HEROES Act, but the Senate has refused to bring it to a vote. Instead, last week the Senate tried–and failed–to push through an inadequate “skinny” relief bill that didn’t come close to offering the help that America’s children and families need to continue surviving this crisis.

Now, the Senate is about to go on recess without passing the additional, robust COVID-19 relief that families desperately need, likely leaving families without any more help until 2021. We can’t let that happen.

Send your Senators an email and make it clear that they can’t pack up and go home while leaving American families in crisis. It’s time for the Senate to do their job.

Please note: You only need to complete the form and hit “send message” once in order to send an email to both of your Senators.


  • Your Senators


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Dear [Decision Maker],

Every day that passes, more families slip closer to crisis. The Senate has an obligation to pass a real, robust COVID-19 relief package that directly supports the children and families who are most in need right now. As your constituent, I'm calling on you to get back to the table to negotiate significant relief for all families before you and your colleagues recess at the end of the month.

The CARES Act was a good first step, but key supports have expired and families are now at the edge of disaster. The Senate must protect and support the families you were elected to represent by passing a COVID-19 package that meets the urgent needs of our nation.

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