Donating shares of stock to the Children’s Defense Fund is a meaningful way to contribute to the well-being of children!

Donating shares of stock to the Children’s Defense Fund is a meaningful way to contribute to the well-being of children!2021-06-16T10:01:12-05:00

Why Donate?

A benefit of donating stock is that you receive charitable donation credit for tax purposes for the full face value of the stock. This is especially valuable if the stock has appreciated significantly since you purchased it. Donating stock also allows you to avoid capital gains tax.

How Do I Donate Shares of Stock to a Charity?

We have an intuitive, easy-to-use tool that will guide you through the process of giving a gift of stock  in less than 10 minutes. Additionally, the information you need to make a stock donation through your broker is included at the bottom of this page.

Securities can be gifted to the Children’s Defense Fund by electronic transfer, in which your broker transfers shares using the Children’s Defense Fund’s DTC number. You must contact your broker to begin this process.

Thank you for your generous gift.

The Children’s Defense Fund is a child advocacy organization that works relentlessly to give every child what they need to thrive and reach their full potential. Please consider us when making your stock gift today!

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Ask your broker to donate through Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
Tax ID Number: 23-2384840
ACAT Participant: 0141
Phone: (855) 372-3526
Account Name or Registration: Children’s Defense Fund
Account Number: 2607-2804
Type of Account: Type T – Religious/Non-profit
Receiving DTC Number: 0141

To contact Wells Fargo with additional questions about a donation to the Children’s Defense Fund, please contact Kathleen Counts at 1-800-638-4682 or

If you’d prefer to speak to someone at the Children’s Defense Fund directly, please contact KC Ortiz, at 202-662-3654 or