Never Give Up on Children

>>>>Never Give Up on Children
Never Give Up on Children2019-09-13T14:34:47-05:00

A Story of Triumph Over Incredible Odds

In America, nearly 1 in 5 children are poor. A child is confirmed abused or neglected every 47 seconds. In 2016, more than 3,000 children were killed with a gun – enough to fill 156 classrooms.

The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) is committed to improving those odds. We believe that we must never give up on any child, no matter where they come from, the challenges they face or the color of their skin.

We are proud to partner with McClatchy Studios and the Charlotte Observer to promote their seven-part series, “Carruth,” which details the untold true story of the infamous 1999 domestic violence case involving NFL player Rae Carruth.

At the heart of this tragic story is the inspiring life of Chancellor Lee, the “miracle boy” who was born in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of his mother. Over the past 18 years, Chancellor has thrived despite significant disabilities resulting from his traumatic birth. His miraculous story and inspiring life remind us that every child deserves a fair chance at a brighter future.

Chancellor Lee

Do Something Now

Today you can choose to make a difference for children like Chancellor Lee who experience gun violence, abuse, and the struggle to overcome impossible odds. A monthly gift to the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) enables us to be a strong, independent voice advocating for the safety and well-being of America’s children, especially those who are most vulnerable: children living in poverty, children of color and children with disabilities.

Your contribution matters. Your monthly donation can be the shield that defends our children and their future.

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