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  Comments on Patient Protection and Sale of Individual Health Insurance Coverage Across State Lines

CDF joined other national organizations to submit comments in response to the CMS Request for Information regarding patient protection and increasing consumer choice through the sale of individual health insurance coverage across states through Health Care Choice Compacts (HCCCs). We expressed our concern that the implementation of Section 1333 of the ACA could impede, rather than improve, access to timely, affordable and necessary services for children and pregnant women.


  Comments on USDA’s Proposed Time Limits for SNAP

CDF submitted commented on the USDA's proposed rule on requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in order to express our serious concerns about any policies that would restrict access to SNAP for those who are hungry, given the critical role SNAP plays for children and families in communities across the country.


  Letter to Sec. Azar on the Impact of Work Requirements on Parents and Families

CDF joined other national organizations to express our concern about the possibility of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMW) approving pending section 1115 waiver requests to impose work-reporting requirements on very low-income parents and caregivers covered by Medicaid. Approval of these requests would be extremely harmful to very vulnerable children and their families and would directly contradict the objectives of the Medicaid program.


  Medicaid Work Requirements Will Harm Children

Medicaid is a powerful anti-poverty tool that helps struggling parents get ahead by providing access to health coverage that can help them provide and care for their families. It ensures coverage to 37 million low-income children and children with disabilities. Nearly half of all births are covered by Medicaid. Despite Medicaid’s success, the growing number of never-before allowed waivers allowing states to require recipients to work will harm children as parents and caregivers lose the health coverage they need to work and care for their children.


  Comments on Proposed 2020 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters

Children's Defense Fund joined other leading national organizations to submit comments on ways we believe the Proposed 2020 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters can be strengthened to ensure that access to timely and appropriate treatment for pregnant women and children, particularly those with serious, chronic or complex conditions, is as seamless as possible.