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  100+ Organizations Urge Congress to Protect Low-Income Families amid COVID-19

This pandemic calls for the enactment of policies and sufficient funding to protect low- and moderate-income people from economic disaster and to meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable people in our nation. We cannot predict all of the impacts that the coronavirus and the recession will have on the people in our nation for years to come. Given what we know now, we share the broad economic security priorities for future COVID-19 response legislation and actions.


  CDF Letter to Congress on Prioritizing Children and Families in the 4th COVID-19 Package

As the scope and scale of the devastation from COVID-19 continues to grow, it is clear that children and families need additional support. At the same time, certain particularly vulnerable children and those disproportionately impacted by this crisis – including children living in poverty, children of color, children in the foster care system, and children in mixed immigration status families – were either completely left out of the previous relief packages or have additional, critical needs that must be addressed in Congress’ next response to the COVID-19 crisis. The unique and urgent needs of children must be a priority in Congress’ ongoing efforts to support the American people through this pandemic.


  CDF Continues Call for Increased SSBG Funding amid COVID-19

The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is a proven key source of support to help communities respond to critical needs in national disasters and an important tool in times of recession because it can provide assistance to cash-strapped states, territories, and counties quickly. We urged Congress to increase funding to the SSBG by $4.1 billion to respond to the growing needs of older people, children and families, and people with disabilities in the midst of COVID-19.


  CDF’s Comments on Alternative Measures of Poverty

CDF submitted comments urging OMB to meaningfully expand—not artificially shrink—poverty measures to include all children experiencing economic deprivation, not just those currently counted as poor and requesting that any modifications to poverty thresholds capture the full breadth of resources needed to support children's healthy development.


  500+ Child Welfare Advocates Deliver Policy Demands to Congress to Protect Children From Abuse and Neglect During Pandemic

As national, state, and local organizations dedicated to the well-being of vulnerable children and families, we write to urge Congress to act immediately to provide crucial support to families facing the stress and disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, by equipping the child welfare system with the tools it needs to handle the crisis.


  450+ Organizations Call for Additional Child Care Funding in Next COVID-19 Package

Child care is an essential need for millions of children and families, and it will continue to be the backbone of our economy both during and after this crisis, but only if additional funding is provided to keep it afloat. In order to protect and preserve our child care system for child care providers, workers, and the children and families they serve, we urge lawmakers to provide at least $50 billion in aid targeted to the child care sector.


  CDF Calls for State Fiscal Relief and Increased Federal Medicaid Matching to Address COVID-19

We strongly urge Congress to move legislation forward that includes least at $150 billion in direct aid to states for fiscal relief and to enact an additional, emergency increase of 12 percent to Federal Medicaid matching funds in order to provide essential support to states as they deploy their resources to address critical health needs during COVID-19.