Register and vote on behalf of America’s children

>Register and vote on behalf of America’s children
Register and vote on behalf of America’s children2020-08-11T17:31:39-05:00

Simply put, the November 3rd election is a big one. We’re calling on you to make sure you are registered and prepared to vote safely—and to make sure your friends and family are, too.

“From the ongoing pandemic, to the passion and protests we’ve seen for racial and social justice, it’s clear that we’re in the middle of a big moment in this country…Our job between now and November is to make sure everyone we know understands that the power to make change rests on our ability to cast a vote.” 

– Former First Lady Michelle Obama, in a video recorded for the Children’s Defense Fund

Making sure you’re registered to vote is the crucial first step to making your voice heard. We’ve teamed up with When We All Vote make it easy for ALL eligible voters to register to vote:

Already registered? Thank you! The next step is to make sure your loved ones are registered, because you are the best person to talk to your friends and family about the importance of voting. Here are two ways you can help right now:

  1. Text 5 of your friends and ask them to head to right now to check their registration status or register themselves to vote.
  2. Click below to tweet the link and encourage everyone in your life to do the same

Your vote will help shape our children’s futures. Make sure you’re registered and ready to vote today!