In his meditation “To Make a Rest of Motion,” Howard Thurman wrote “It is ever a grace and a benediction to be able to come to a halt, to stop, to pause, to make a rest of motion. Thus we are privileged to turn aside from the things that occupy and preoccuppy our minds in the daily round, to take a long intimate look at ourselves both in retrospect and prospect….” Each day at CDF’s Proctor Institute is full of emotions and insights, ideas and information, challenge and opportunity, community and commitment. By afternoon, we have heard, seen, and felt things that touch different and deep places in our hearts and minds. You are invited into this time and safe space to “make a rest of motion” and reflect with others on what the day has stirred in you. Join Proctor’s Co-Chaplains in Residence for this time of conversation and contemplation. All ages are welcome.