2023 CDF Proctor Institute Leadership

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Ben Sanders

Eden Theological Seminary

Dr. Ben Sanders III is the Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary.  Dr. Sanders previously served as adjunct professor at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado and as Associate Minister for New Hope Baptist Church in Denver, and is a candidate for ordination in the Baptist church. His doctoral dissertation, “Traditioning Blackness: Theo-ethical Analysis of Black Identity in Black Theological Discourse,” aims to reestablish black theology as a resource for contemporary churches in need of a robust theological approach to race and racism. His research in black theology, constructive theology, social ethics, African American religious history, and critical race theory has allowed him to make contributions to social and religious ethics, 19th century theology, and African American history. Dr. Sanders is the author of “Walter Rauschenbusch on Society” in Floyd-Thomas, S.M. & DeLaTorre, M.A. (Eds.) (2011), Beyond the Pale: Reading Ethics from the Margins, Louisville, KY, Westminster John Knox Press, 2011. Dr. Sanders is a member of the Steering Committee of the Black Theology Group, American Academy of Religion, and a board member of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America. He has also been invited to give numerous lectures on topics such as faith-based activism and racism. He earned his BA from Hope College, M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, and PhD. from the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology.