2023 CDF Proctor Institute Leadership

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Lydia Medwin

The Temple, Atlanta

Rabbi Lydia Medwin was ordained on the Los Angeles campus of HUC in May of 2010. While there, she received a Masters of Hebrew Letters and a Masters in Jewish Education. After ordination, she served for four years as a pulpit rabbi at Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles.
Rabbi Medwin currently serves The Temple in Atlanta, GA. She has been a fellow with JOIN for Justice, the Jewish organizing network. She has recently received a certificate as a Jewish Meditation Teacher. Lydia is a co-author with Dr. Ron Wolfson and Rabbi Nicole Auerbach on The Relational Judaism Handbook: How to Create a Relational Engagement Campaign to Build and Deepen Relationships in Your Community (Kripke Institute). She speaks around the country to congregations and organizations about centering relationships in our religious organizations. Being in a diverse community, with a rich spiritual life, compels her towards justice seeking; this animates Rabbi Medwin’s rabbinate every day.