2023 CDF Proctor Institute Leadership

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Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Ellison II

Dale P. Andrews Freedom Seminary Faculty

Dr. Gregory Ellison

Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Ellison II is an associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Emory University Candler School of Theology.

Rev. Dr. Ellison’s teaching draws primarily from his work with the organization he founded called Fearless Dialoguesa non-profit organization that creates unique spaces for unlikely partners to have hard, heartfelt conversations on taboo subjects like racism, classism, and community violence. 

Rev. Dr. Ellison’s research focuses on caring with marginalized populations, pastoral care as social activism, and 20th and 21st century mysticism. He is the author of Cut Dead But Still Alive: Caring for African American Young Men, and Fearless Dialogues: A New Movement for Justice and is the editor of Anchored in the Current: Discovering Howard Thurman as Educator, Activist, Guide, and Prophet.