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children of color were more likely to experience harmful environmental factors and toxic stress, grow up with underlying health conditions, and experience inequitable health care into adulthood including racial bias, discrimination, and inadequate treatment

Home / glossary / children of color were more likely to experience harmful environmental factors and toxic stress, grow up with underlying health conditions, and experience inequitable health care into adulthood including racial bias, discrimination, and inadequate treatment

Bell, Jasmine. 2016. “5 Things to Know About Communities of Color and Environmental Justice.” Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.; Morsy, Leila and Richard Rothstein. 2019. “Toxic Stress and Children’s Outcomes.” Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.; Mehta, Neil, Hedwig Lee, and Kelly Ylitalo. 2013. “Child Health in the United States: Recent Trends in Racial/Ethnic Disparities.” Social Science & Medicine 95: 6-15.