Protecting children and families during the COVID-19 crisis

Protecting children and families during the COVID-19 crisis2021-07-30T12:01:25-05:00

As we face a widespread, national health crisis, we hope you are taking steps to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community safe. As we learn more about the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Children’s Defense Fund is taking steps to ensure our country’s most vulnerable children and their families are protected. Read more about CDF’s response to COVID-19 here.


The Latest Congressional Action

On March 25, the Senate passed a $2 trillion relief package meant to help stabilize the U.S. economy and provide some relief to households reeling from the coronavirus crisis. Read our response to the bill, including an analysis of the provisions that will provide much-needed support to children and families and an account of the critical next steps that must be taken to protect our country’s most vulnerable.


Help make sure vulnerable children will not get left behind as our country responds to this pandemic. A donation to the Children’s Defense Fund will help make sure the voices of children are heard and the needs of families are met with urgency.

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COVID-19 Resources

Many families are searching for answers in this time of uncertainty. Below you will find links to information from experts on how the coronavirus impacts children, guides for how to talk to children about the outbreak, and more. We will continue adding to this list as more resources become available.

  • Our partners at Generations United have created a fact sheet for grandfamilies and multigenerational families to stay healthy, informed, and connected.
  • The Food Research & Action Center has compiled a list of resources related to ensuring that children who are out of school can still access meals. They are also sharing an action and advocacy tool for maximizing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)’s role in supporting health, food security, and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • We’ve put together a round-up of free digital education tools that may be of interest to caregivers (non-educators) who are looking for engaging and enriching content to share with their children while at home, ranging from great videos to digital explorations, games, and even full text books.