In Defense of Children

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I ❤️ My Immigrant Family

It’s Children’s Week, it’s Immigrant Heritage Month, and we celebrate by joining the Children Thrive Action Network (CTAN) for the I ❤️ My Immigrant Family event. Tune in here to hear from children of immigrants about what they need to thrive and watch Members of Congress, journalists, activists, and artists showcase the love and joy in their immigrant families.

America is a nation of values, founded on the ideal that we are all created equal. These values—freedom, equality, and opportunity—are strengthened by our immigrant family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We love them, we’re glad they’re here, and we recognize that in order for children and this nation to flourish and prosper, we must commit to policies that reflect that 1 in 4 children in the U.S. live with at least one immigrant parent or are immigrants themselves. Check out CTAN’s Policy Principles for what this commitment to our children should look like, including a clear path to citizenship; advancement of the health, educational success, and economic security of children and their families; and promotion of family unity and child well being in immigration policy. 

 I ❤️ My Immigrant Family, I’m the child of a Korean immigrant, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to reflect on how family-unity based immigration policy is personal to me. How do you like to celebrate your immigrant family, friends, and neighbors?

Watch the premiere event at

2021-06-30T13:11:42-05:00June 17th, 2021|