Poor children deserve a question in the presidential debates

>>>Poor children deserve a question in the presidential debates
Poor children deserve a question in the presidential debates2019-09-25T13:14:38-05:00

It has been 20 years since there was a question about how to address child poverty in a presidential debate. That’s an entire generation of children growing up and facing hunger, homelessness, and instability with no answers from our leaders. And 20 years later, 1 in 6 kids is still living in poverty in this country.

Israel Glenn is one of those kids. A recent high school graduate and 2019 CDF Beat the Odds® program honoree from Minnesota, Israel believes this is simply unacceptable.

Children like Israel have been ignored long enough. They deserve to know how candidates seeking the White House will fight for them. Israel is calling for a question in the presidential debates about child poverty, and we’re standing with him.


Meet Israel, the Teen behind the Petition

Israel Glenn is an 18-year-old from Minneapolis, MN. He was selected by the Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota as a Beat the Odds honoree because of his academic achievement and community leadership in the face of tremendous obstacles. Israel is a freshman at The College of St. Scholastica this year, and he is standing up to demand that ending child poverty be a national priority.

When I was growing up, my family struggled. I experienced homelessness, sometimes spending my school nights sleeping on park benches. Sometimes we didn’t have enough food to eat. There were times when I cried every night. That is what growing up in poverty meant for me.

I didn’t have a chance to be a kid. I was more concerned about what our next meal was going to be or if we were stable that night.

I faced struggles no kid should, but I kept going and now I’m a freshman in college. After everything I’ve been through, I’ve realized that my voice has power. I’m calling for an upcoming presidential debate to include a question about how to address the child poverty crisis that leaves 1 in 6 children behind in our country.

.It’s been 20 years since a question about ending child poverty was asked in a debate. I was born, grew up, and graduated high school while I waited for answers. I’m done waiting.

– Israel Glenn, 18 years old


What Others Are Saying

Nick Kristof of the New York Times highlighted Israel’s petition in a column about the importance of focusing on child poverty in the presidential campaign:

Our Children Deserve Better