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far more likely to die from gunfire

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CDC. 2020. “Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2019,” Detailed Mortality Tables. Accessed using CDC WONDER Online Database. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2019 Request ( Note: All data are for children and teens ages 0-19 and exclude deaths for interactions with law enforcement; American Academy of Pediatrics. 2021. “Children and COVID-19: State-Level Data Report, Version 02/25/2021,” p. 4. Note: Gun violence and COVID-19 mortality rates for children are not directly comparable, as age ranges reported for children vary state by state in COVID-19 death counts. While the majority of states reported COVID-19 deaths for children ages 0-19, some states reported COVID-19 deaths for children ages 0-14, 0-17, or 0-20. Based on available data, the Children’s Defense Fund compared the gun death rate in 2019 for children ages 0-19 (4.1 per 100,000 children) to the approximate COVID-19 death rate for children within the age range reported by each state as of February 25, 2021 (0.35 per 100,000 children).