Billionaires vs. Babies

Billionaires vs. Babies2019-03-13T11:59:40-05:00

The 2017 tax bill puts greed before need. See how:

  • The wealthiest 1 percent of households are projected to receive over $84 billion in tax cuts in 2019 alone—more than the annual cost of the entire SNAP program that millions of needy families depend on to put food on the table.
  • The top 20 percent of households are expected to receive $225 billion in tax cuts in 2019—three-fifths as much as the federal government spent on all children and children’s programs in 2017.
  • More than half of benefits paid in 2019 will flow to the richest 5 percent of taxpayers, while only 1 percent will benefit the bottom 20 percent.
  • Foreign investors will receive more in tax cuts than the bottom 60 percent of Americans combined.
Billionaires vs Babies

In America, the youngest children are the poorest children. Imagine if our leaders invested as much in babies as in billionaires.

That’s why the Children’s Defense Fund is working with federal, state and local lawmakers, and with other advocacy partners, to advance policies that:

  • Create more and better paying jobs to support working families
  • Ensure all children’s basic needs—like health care, food, shelter, and safety—are met
  • Level the playing field for poor children